Monday, 30 April 2012

168 and Tiger Hill

We have been looking forward to ride down from Penang Hill via Tiger Hill path. The team was a little bit reluctant to try at first, but the path will eventually take us to Ayer Itam dam which makes our journey shorter and more interesting. Thanks to Ah Aik from FR Team and his team for looking after us all the way down. Photos contributed by Winson Yeap, Sam Tan and Danny Yeoh.

Our other team mates Sam, Guan and Yeoh were at Cheng Ji Chan Temple due to time constrains. All in all, everyone had a great time even though we were at different locations.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Nan Shan fever again!!

Morning session

Birthday boy Oriental Kok, Sam Tan, Winson Yeap and I. 

We were supposed to tackle Hye Keat Estate to Penang Hill route, but the early morning rain deters the whole expedition. So much so, there were so many Whatsapp messages from all members about the weather and what would be the alternative route. Some finally continued to sleep and while others planned for the next destination to quench our thirst for extreme exercise.

No one seems more eager than of birthday boy Oriental Kok, I can't blame him because his work schedule is so tight that he has no time to do what he loves most, cycling with the team mates.

So, up we went to Nan Shan, a very cool morning thanks to the early rain. The hills were green and air was really fresh.

Sam and Yeap nearly completing 

Our birthday boy Oriental Kok

Our breakfast, after cycling
Afternoon Session

Danny, Kwan, Simon and I.

Once again, I am never bored with cycling up this hill. So up we went again.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Happy Birthday Khye Kok!!!

Our birthday boy in April includes Oriental Kok. Happy Birthday bro!!!

Khye Kok celebrates his birthday tomorrow.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


I have earlier spoken to Jimmy about this Hye Keat route to Penang Hill before. We were supposed to explore the the path with our motorcycle. Anyway, Simon, Kok and I started from Hye Keat Estate at 9.00am.

All the way, the terrain was quite steep, the track ranging from 1 to 2 feet width and on cemented track. One good thing was the whole journey was under the great canopy of the forest, it protected us from the hot sun. This is very unique indeed.

We stopped quite often for photos and enjoyed the scenery, we took a rest at Penang Hill Tai Su Yar before the Middle Station.

The router became more challenging, all the way up...steep plus lost of corner, track width went down to 1 or less than 1 foot before reaching tar track near the bungalow, took us almost 3 and a half hours, and another 20 to 30 mins of tar road to reach the Penang Hill food court.

We stopped for around an hour for food and waited out the rain.

Here are some of the photos taken:-

Post contributed by Danny Yeoh
Photos by Simon Ong, Oriental Kok & Danny Yeoh

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Our 1st post in Mandarin. Yahoooo!!!

        201248日,在这美好的星期天,槟城Chubi Chubi 一群喜爱骑自行车的车友再次前往浮罗山背。一如往常前一晚临睡前,大家都会祈祷希望天公作美,明天天气晴朗,而早晨起床后的第一件事就是打开窗观察天气如何。老天爷还真不负众望,天气晴朗,风和日丽。





说到吃这回事,就不得不分享一段趣事,我们其中一个爱搞笑的队友Ah Goh 开了另一个队友Ah Guan的玩笑,笑说Ah Guan 的人生没什意思,无趣与乏味,犹如一张空白的纸。因为Ah Guan 曾说过 “只吃三条chee cheong fun就过了一天。”实在是令人捧腹大笑。哈哈!

言归正传,浮罗山路崎岖难行,何况我们又骑着一辆铁马,路程辛苦,加上政府为了安装路灯而砍伐了不少大树,天气非常炎热。然而在这太阳当空的状况下也难不倒我们这一群Chubi Chubi 的车友。最值得庆幸与鼓舞的是我们的队友Ah Guan 在星期六和日都破了纪录。星期六时,由山脚直接马不停蹄地骑上南山炮台顶,星期日时也不例外地一路上从未停止直达水坝山。所谓:“成功永远属于肯努力的人”。因此Ah Guan 被我们冠上了“NON-STOP GUAN”的美誉。





队友開國祈祷請神明佑眾Chubi Chubi弟子一路平


*在此感谢队友Ah Kwan 提供当天所拍摄的照片。

This post is contributed by Sam Tan, thank you bro.      

Monday, 2 April 2012

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Happy Birthday, Sook Shyan!!!

Here is wishing you a happy and memorable birthday.

Sook Shyan celebrates her birthday tomorrow and she is crazy about Mini Coopers.

Earth Hour Night Ride 2012

Nearly 500 cyclists took to the streets of George Town, Penang to celebrate Earth Hour 2012. Cyclists came with variety of bicycles gathered at Straits Quay, Tangjung Tokong around 7:00pm. The event started at 7:40pm and the sight was overwhelming with lights flashing red, yellow and blue. It looked like a river of lights filling the road ahead.

From Straits Quay, the convey had to negotiate heavy traffic along the way because it was a Saturday evening and Penangites are all out for a great time in town.

The cyclists finally reached Han Chiang High School about 15km kilometers from the starting point and a small ceremony to switch off the lights at the high school indoor stadium was done in conjunction of Earth Hour 2012 event.

The event was organized by G Club.  Here are some of the photos taken by Ronnie Tan.